The image above if my finished alien transformation GIF. After researching the internet for dark, demonic transformations I decided on my idea. The theme I seemed to favour was demon eyed black and white images as I feel they look deep and creepy to look at.
As this was my first time using photoshop properly and my first time ever creating a GIF I decided to keep it simple yet effective. To begin with, I took a series of images on Photo Booth, in each of the images I moved my hand slightly further down my face to cover and then reveal my eyes. After taking the images I imported them into photoshop where I painted my eyes black and converted the images to make them have more fearful connotations. Using a very helpful tutorial on GIF making, I created my alien transformation which I saved to web and shared on my Google Docs.
My GIF turned out well, it is how I pictured it in the first place and I think I managed to incorporate some of the ideas that I found online for inspiration. I really like the use of GIFs as they show you more than a still image would without the complexity and duration of a film or short video, I would definitely like to work on my GIF making skills.