Tuesday 21 October 2014

Presenting Data In Illustrator

Here is what I did in the lesson. We looked at info-graphics that displayed data about a subject in the form of a graph e.g. bar chart, pie chart, line graph and images. We were given our own data from a survey we answered ourselves about classroom rules and were told to make an info-grpahic poster in a similar style. 

The info-graphic must clearly show what the charted infromation is about so I used the brush tool to draw some punctuation for the header of the poster as '?!#!$' is often use to replace swear words in text.

I wanted to use bright colours to make charted information look more attractive, if an info-graphic is eye catching then the information appears more interesting. If I saw a dull looking info-graphic then I would think it was boring and I wouldn't be interested in finding out about the statistics, hopefully my info-graphic would make learning more fun.

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