Monday 2 February 2015

Outlining My Animation

The topic for my animation is 'Time keeping is important' I will use Flash to make a short public information film to present the message.

Some ideas I'd like to include
  • Multiple clocks of all different sizes and styles entering the screen at different speeds with different transitions, getting faster as the character in the animation starts to speed up and rush around.
  • The character pressing the snooze button on their alarm multiple times and each time they press it we will get a closer view of the phone to emphasise their action. 
  • Hands on the clock flying round at a fast speed to show time passing at super speed, the clock would then grow wings and fly away- 'time flies'.
  • Teacher receiving a message from the student saying 'I'm going to be slightly late, sorry!' the teacher increasingly turns bright red.
  • Student arrives late to find everyone just finishing off eating cookies and looking smug.
  • Text at the end making it sound like even being just a couple minutes late will make you miss out on something very crucial. 


  1. Some good ideas, although I'd like you to focus on why timekeeping/deadlines are important. Especially deadlines in the media business. Late is lost...

  2. Storyboard effective - now make it work
