Monday, 16 March 2015

Animation Further Progress

Today I did some practice on making a symbol on Flash. Too show a way of time keeping I decided to create a calendar, crossing out each date to a deadline. I drew the calendar using a combination of shapes, lines, the text tool and the brush tool. As each individual part of the calendar was separate it meant that when I moved one part of it, only that part would move and that wasn't what I wanted as I wanted the whole calendar to gradually come onto the screen. 

I highlighted the whole calendar then right clicked and chose 'create symbol' then I name the symbol Calendar. Now the calendar is a symbol it means that every part of it is just one shape, so it all moves together.

I think that I am on track to be able to finish my animation today as after the calendar I just want to insert an end card that says 'Time Keeping Is Important' just to make it clear what the message of my animation is. 

Here is my finished animation as a GIF, I am happy with how it turned out overall. There are a few bits that could do with some perfecting for example tidying up around the edge of the calendar, but the overall animation makes the small mistakes less important.

Initially when I began creating the animation I was unsure that I would be able to make it long enough, or add any interesting aspects. I have surprised myself with what I have done as I like the different scenes e.g. the bedroom, the alarm clock and the calendar.

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