Wednesday, 4 March 2015

My Chronicle Week- Day 3

This morning, Alex sent the group and email showing an example of something a newspaper in Hull reported on, the top 10 inventions that came from Hull. He said that he would like two members of the group to recreate this article for Bath and for the other pair to make a list of the top books and authors that come from Bath.

Something interesting that Alex told us is that people are more likely to click on a list that has an odd number of points than a list with an even amount of points. Therefore, Ben and I created a list for the top 11 books and authors from Bath.

Ben researched authors from Bath and I researched books that are wholly or partly set in Bath, we then put our ideas together and created a list of the top 11. Alex gave us some advice on how to improve our orginal list:

Here is the final list:

After creating this list, I began to put together some questions that we could use for Vox Pops. We wanted to find out about peoples interest in politics and mainly whether they think 16 and 17 year olds should be able to vote. We took out questions around college and out into Bath and collected our footage.

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