Monday 2 March 2015

My Chronicle Week- Day 1

At the beginning of my first day working with the Bath Chronicle, I went to visit the head quarters to find out what my position would be and to find out some more about what the Chronicle do. Alex, the head of content, gave the rest of the group and I a tour of the news room, explaining everyones jobs such as the sports editors, weather reporters, advertising, events organising and layout designers. After finding out a bit about what everyones role is with the paper, Alex set the first task.

A press release was given to me to turn into a story. I was given a word count of 100-120 and told to include pictures so that the story would be fit for The Chronicles website.

After writing my story using the information I was given, Alex gave me some advice on how I could alter it to make it more similar to the Chronicle's writing style. I took on board his very helpful advice and altered my story.

During the second part of the day, as a team we worked together to develop the topic we'd be producing content on for the Chronicle. As there's a general election coming up in March, Alex thought it would be a good idea for us to focus on a politics based story. To attract a younger audience as well as the chronicles traditional audience we thought it would be good to focus on the question 'should to legal voting age be lowered to 16?'.

As a group we mind mapped some ideas to start developing and creating our article idea. We discussed subjects we could base an article on, decided who we would need to contact to gather all the information we'll need, drafted questions that we could ask in an interview and we thought of different ways of presenting the content such as video or a written article.

By the end of the day we managed to collect some interview footage from students around college to get a brief idea about their interest in politics and thoughts on teenagers voting.

Here is the press release I did at the beginning of the day: 

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