Monday 19 January 2015

Broadening The Mind Map

With 'Young persons political article' at the centre of my mind map. I was able to expand and gain a large collection of creative words that I previously wouldn't have linked to my political magazine. I was able to suggest draft ideas that could be used as a basis for a less generic article in my magazine that aims to change young peoples views on politics and make them interested.

I came up with the idea 'Rising Stars of Politics'. This article has the potential to be a weekly feature in the magazine, each week there would be information about a young person who is becoming involved in politics, whether they're a young MP or just someone who is opening and expressing their views on what could be done to improve the future of politics. But it could also be a larger one off article that informs about multiple young politics from different parties and backgrounds. The article would contain basic information about the young person eg. their name, age, where they're from and their current state of education/employment. After a brief background is given to introduce the young person, it would go on to talk about the young persons involvements and interest in politics with a possible interview or quotes from the young person themselves. Having quotes and interviews makes an article more engaging as you get the unaltered views of the subject of the article.

In terms of layout, the article would be on just one page as a feature that introduces multiple young politicians over a series of weeks, rather than bombarding the reader with information about one person in particular. The article would start with a fact file to introduce the young politician in a easy to read and non complex style. The rest of the article explaining what the young politician does in more detail would follow in columns, interrupted by block quotes to attract attention and give the audience interesting information. I would like to include an image of the young politician and if possible, a picture of them in action/working to show the contents of the article in an image form.

Here are some draft name ideas outlined using words from my mind map.

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