Thursday 8 January 2015

Shot Practice

Setting up a shot is something you that you should always take care with whilst doing. The main things you should focus on are the ISO level, aperture and the shutter speed. All of these factors change the lighting of what you're shooting depending on your location, for example if you're outside you aperture and ISO levels won't have to be as high as the natural light will help you out.

Above are three shots that I set up, adjusting the focus, zoom and changing the aperture and ISO levels. I kept the shutter speed at a standard 50, but altered the ISO and aperture due to where the natural light was. The only shot that I feel has good lighting is the final shot filmed from the right side of Tom, I made the aperture higher for this shot was the natural lighting wasn't behind the camera. I think I also should've made the ISO and aperture levels higher on the shot filmed from behind Tom and Becky as the natural light was to the side of the camera. 

When filming inside there is a lack of natural light, especially as it's getting darker so the lighting levels will have to be adjusted carefully so that the shot doesn't look to dark or too full of noise.

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