Monday 5 January 2015

Symbols On Flash

You can use flash to create a Symbol which is like a master for when you need to repeat an object. I created a simple symbol to practice the process. Firstly you click Insert> New Symbol the name your symbol, I named my house and then drew a house, which I can find in the library under the name house.

Holding down Alt to create identical copies of my house, I created a line of houses and coloured them. Once I had my row of house I clicked Modify> Convert To Symbol and named the new symbol 'Street'.
On separate layers, I replicated my row of houses and resized them as well as altering the brightness to add more depth, to look like a town scene. I then added key frames at the beginning and end of the timeline for each layer so that the street would remain the same throughout the movie clip. 

To turn my town scene into a scenario, I added a new symbol and named it Car, then drew a car. I created a new layer on my timeline and named it car one so that I could place the car on this layer. I placed the car on the edge of the left hand side of my scene then I created another key frame further up the time line and moved the car to the right side edge of the scene. 

The point of adding the car is to have it moving across the scene, so on the car layer between the two key frames I right clicked and chose 'Create Classic Tween' Now when I press play, the car moves across the scene. 

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant, well done. Top of the class (etc.) You have clearly grasped the principles.
