Thursday 4 December 2014

Creating Score For Cliche

Using a scene from Cliche with minimal sound, I used Logic to begin creating my own score for the scene. Unfortunately, I had some technical difficulties whilst scripting the score so I couldn't do everything I wanted to. 

Before the technical difficulties, I created a new track called 'software instrument' meaning that I could use the computers keyboard to play my own sounds for the scene. Logic has a large library of sounds that fitted my scene well, being a horror scene. I found sounds that were like wind chimes and even a sound called 'fear noise'. After finding these sounds and experimenting with them, logic played up meaning I couldn't record them.

I managed to used some of the loops that were on logic to begin creating my score, I added an intense, deep, drum beat throughout to keep the tension throughout the scene, it sort f=of reminds me of a heart beat. I also added a fast, eery piano loop that acted like a build up to the moment when the characters found their dead friend. I faded the piano sounds in and out so that it sounded more fitting, to do this I used a shortcut which was pressing 'A', adding anchor points to the track and dragging down the section I wanted to fade.

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