Monday 8 December 2014

Shape Tweening

This week I looked at the 'Shape Tweening' feature on Flash. Firstly, you create a keyframe, then you insert a keyframe at the end with the shape in the place that you want it to end up. If you right click on the blank frame in-between the two frames you have filled at the beginning and the end you will get the option to 'Insert Shape Tween' and when you click this it will create the effect of your object moving from one location on the screen to another.

As you can see on my timeline, I created one layer for the Christmas tree as I wanted it to remain exactly the same in all of the frames. So I put the Christmas tree in it's own layer at the beginning and the end, therefore it remained the same. Layer 2 is my star, which is the layer I wanted the shape tween to happen on. You can see my star moving from the bottom of the tree to the top. 

1 comment:

  1. Well done. You should make sure that you post a bit showing shapes changing as well as moving.
