Thursday 4 December 2014

Storyboarding My Film

To create my storyboards I read through my script and broke it into screens, After I'd broken it into scenes I looked at each line and decided how I wanted each part to look.. After doing this I drew all of the key shots and described them briefly.

These are the storyboard sheets that I created before altering my script. After adjusting my script to include the PI, I chose a different storyboard template and changed my drawing style from stick people to more realistic, scale drawings and I included some extra detail for each shot.

  • Shot number
  • Duration eg. how long it will last in secs.
  • Shot size eg. ECU, CU, MS, LS, OTS.
  • Angle eg. high, low, eye view, birds eye view.
  • Transition eg. cut, fade.

Using this clear storyboard I will be able to make a detailed shot list from it to add in any extra notes and things that need to be included in the shot, as well as audio.

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