Thursday 11 December 2014

Recce Scouting Report

So far I have checked out three possible locations for my film, all around the college sight. I took my script with me to see what shots would be happening in each location and I have photographed each location and also made a checklist and made notes about each location to help me compare them with others, here is a link to the blogpost showing my physical findings.

I am happy with the staff kitchen in the media department. It will be used for the first scene of Sister 1 (Emily) alone in her kitchen therefore I don't need lots of space or an attractive backdrop, just the basic aspects of a kitchen, and luckily this location fits that brief.

The college car park is also an ideal location for the scene where Sister 2 (Jess) and her parents get out of their car and head towards to election hall. It's good because all of the crew will be able to access it and we won't have to worry about interfering with members of the public as the only people that should be around the area will be people linked to the college.

I don't think that Hive C is going to be the ideal location for my election hall. But I would like to use and area in the college for this as it is the best location for the whole cast and crew to arrive at. I will look at the studio in the media department as it is designed for filming purposes. I don't currently see any problems with it.

To continue my recce's I would like to look at an undercover car park, another kitchen and possibly to more locations that can be used as an election hall. I will be able to plan the second kitchen recce when I have discussed with my group who is happy for me to film in their kitchen and also who's kitchen is the easiest for the whole crew to access.

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