Monday 17 November 2014

Colour Association

All colours convey different feelings and emotions but how they're used and what they're used for. Red is a colour that can have contrasting meanings, for example, red can often mean 'danger' or 'stop' when you see it used on road signs and traffic lights however it can also mean love and romance as it's the main colour used for love hearts and the theme colour of valentines day is red. If a female wears red lip sticks she will automatically give of a feminine and sexy vibe which is a complete contrast to red's connotations of danger.

I think that blue only has one type of emotion attached to it. A calming and soothing feelings usually present where blue is used. If you go to a spa or a pool, one of the only colours used is blue but in many shades, along with white. If you go to a spa and the colour of everything is blue, you feel relaxed because especially paler shades of blue are easy on the eye and non-offensive. If the colour red was used in a spa, you wouldn't feel so relaxed and the other shades of red will always become darker as if you make red lighter it turns to pink. In a spa you want the atmosphere to be light and fresh, not dark and heavy.

The colours yellow and pink always uplift me. They're bright and happy colours so are used for upbeat and uplifting products and situation. 

Smiley faces are classically yellow along with spring flowers, and children's toys like rubber ducks. Yellow is a primary colour therefore it's in it's simplest form although it can be extremely bright or muted down if you want it to be easy to look at for example a lot of new born babies clothes and decor are often a very pale shade of yellow.

Pink is a feminine colour. It's the traditional stereotypical colour for girls so almost all baby girls clothes and clothes for young female children are pink  to show the clear line between girls and boys. The stereotype of pink being a 'girls colour' mainly just lasts for childhood because as we get older we are more open to accepting and trying new things and breaking gender stereotypes.

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