Thursday 13 November 2014

Mini Research Project- Primary Questionnaire Results

I gave my questionnaire to 14 people from group A and group B, both male and female, to answer so I could get a good range of results.

I expected similar results to this for this questionnaire, as almost everyone will be exposed to Youtube videos most days even if they’re unaware of it. For example, there are a lot of direct links on Facebook and Twitter to youtube videos that play automatically as you scroll down your news feed therefore most people will view a Youtube video without going directly to Youtube and searching for a video on a specific topic.

‘Vloggers’ are now becoming some of the highest subscribed to channels on the whole of Youtube. They will typically speak about everyday topics like what they enjoy, what annoys them, the products they recommend and some of these vloggers even go as far as filming everything they get up to each day just to share with the internet. There are vloggers out there to suit almost any audience although discovering the vlogger that is right for you is a little harder than just searching for a music video or a cheat for a level on a game. The result of this question doesn’t surprise me as I am aware that a lot of teenagers are very interested in vloggers and dedicate a lot of time to watching their online content, however, I am also aware that a lot of teenagers haven’t discovered the vlogging side of Youtube as they don’t spend enough time just browsing Youtube, mainly just typing in the exact video they want and watching just that.

There was another option in this question which was gaming, as I am aware that gaming channels, like PewdiePie who has over 31 million subscribers, are some of the most popular channels on Youtube. No one within the group of people I asked chose gaming as the type of video they spend the most time watching on Youtube but this doesn’t mean that my results were inaccurate it just means that gaming videos may be more popular with a different age range or people from different parts of the world like China that has a very popular gaming culture. The most popular genre of Youtube video with the group of people I asked is music which isn’t surprising as it is a quick and free way to watch music videos and find almost any song you want, whenever you want. It doesn’t involve having to sign up or creating a playlist, however you can do so if you want. So it’s an easy and widely accessible way to listen to and find new music.

Over three quarters of the people who answered my questionnaire are familiar with who Zoella is, even if they aren’t a dedicated fan or viewer, most of the group are aware of who she is. If I asked this question a few months ago I would have expected less people to know who Zoella is but in the past month she has released her own range of bath products, has her own advert on TV, has her face on billboards nationwide and an advertisement for her Youtube channel is often featured on the Youtube homepage whether you’re subscribed to her or not and whether you have your own Youtube/Google account or not. All of this exposure means it’s unlikely that anyone hasn’t seen her name or face pop up at least once during their time on the internet, watching television or walking down the street.

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