Monday 17 November 2014

My Poster Designs

Here are some poster designs based on some of the art movements we covered. The annotations on each poster describes what my aim was and how the design reflects the art movement.

I apologise for the poor image quality on the image above. The colours were very pale because I wanted the design to be as close to the Soviet Realism movement as possible however the annotations should explain my aim of the poster.

Before this project I wouldn't have though about looking at a specific design for influence when designing a poster or document. The only one of the movements I'd taken inspiration from before was post modernism because I had studied Banksy's work in art.

The task was to present my political message in a poster using inspiration from the different art movements so I wanted to choose ones I hadn't previously focussed on.

Now I would be confident to work in the style of different art movements especially the Swiss Style because I like how you can follow a pattern and grid and just use a few primary colours. It keeps the design process fairly simple and it looks neat in the end.

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