Thursday 13 November 2014

Mini Research Project- Methodology

Youtube star and blogger Zoe Sugg (Zoella)
Zoe Sugg who is commonly known as Zoella, online, started her own beauty, fashion and lifestyle blog in 2007. Her blog started as a hobby but became very popular as more and more people found it. In 2009 Zoe decided to take her blog a step further by making a video blog on Youtube. She posts videos that are very similar to her blog posts where she discusses beauty products, fashion and also general lifestyle for example, she provides advice about anxiety to others as a sufferer herself. She now has over 6 million subscribers and due to the increase in popularity, in 2014 she is breaking the public market by creating her own range of beauty products and writing her own novel.

I decided to research Zoella because she is the person who increased my interest in media. I started watching her videos and reading her blog in 2012 and she was the first Youtuber I started watching. Since starting to watching Zoe’s videos I have found many other excellent Youtubers and I find them inspiring as they are just normal people talking in front of a camera in their bedroom. I wanted to study a Youtuber as they are becoming increasingly more popular with teenagers.

Zoe now has her own advert on TV that trailers her youtube channel. This is the advert I will do my textual analysis on.

Primary Research- I want to find out what teenagers aged 16-18 think about what teenagers think about Youtube as a format of media. Do people know who Zoella is? I will make a questionnaire to give to people in our media class and hopefully the other class too. I will also ask some friends out of the course to get the opinions of people who don’t have a direct interested in media studies. Once the questionnaires have been filled out I will analyse the data the answer the question: why are youtubers so popular?

Secondary Research- I want to find out figures and statistics about Zoe’s Youtube analytics also how she is gaining money and popularity from elsewhere. I would like to try and find people who have been influenced by her and also find out about the impact Youtube is having on society mainly with teenagers. I will use the internet to find the analytics and try and study the rise in Youtube analytics in 2014.

I have started this research as a viewer of Zoella so I am well informed about what she does and the impact that she has made on the lives of other fans. As Youtube isn’t a format of media that is widely advertised on the television, radio and other places where people may not specifically choose to see adverts, there may not be a large amount of people that are aware of the Youtube community. This could be a problem in my research if people don’t really understand the breakthrough of Youtube stars, however it will also widen my research as I will be able to gather information about the people who are yet to find out what the Youtube community is bringing to the media.

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