Tuesday 11 November 2014

Researching Political Film

Films with political messages
Many of the films we watch and enjoy have hidden political messages, even childrens films. The 2014 Lego Movie is an example of this. The villain of the film named ‘President Business’ is thought to look similar to Mitt Romney although some others say that the film promotes the importance of hard work, creativity and ownership. 

Aside from the Lego Movie, many children's films have a storyline where a problem occurs that needs to be solved and there is often one leader or two leaders in rivalry with each other, both convincing everyone else that they are the best leader  fix the problem. A storyline like this has connotations of a political kind as politicians often battle against each other in times of crisis to prove to the people that they’re the one who can save things.

Here is a list of childrens films that you may not have looked at deeply, that have deeper political messages then you may have expected.

Women in politics
I would like my film to be based on female politicians as most politicians in this generation are male. I want the power of females to be recognised to show equality.

 Michelle Obama- US First Lady
Queen Elizabeth- Queen of England
Margaret Thatcher- Prime minister of England 1979-1990

Rivalries between political parties
There is a known rivalry between politicians Ed Milliband and David Milliband who happen to be brothers. Ed beat David to the position of Labour leader leaving David as the less important brother.

Applying the sibling rivalry in politics theme to my film
I like the idea of using a sibling rivalry in my political film. I think it has the potential to be sincere or comical. Siblings often feel as though they’re able to get away with more when in rivalry with each other as deep down they will always have one anothers back. I could use a sibling bond as an advantage to make my film more exciting as it would be realistic for siblings to get into a manipulative and competitive disagreement.

Possible storylines
  • Sisters who lost contact when they reached adulthood. They both arrive at a political debate as they are both MP’s for different parties. They automatically recognise each other and attack each other physically and verbally. Both get suspended from their positions as MP’s.
  • A group of three sisters, twins and a younger sister. The family is heavily political and their father is an MP. The younger sister always feels left out so behind her families back she begins to become involved with an opposing party. Her family are very shocked and also amazed when they realise the power they’re younger daughter has and they feel threatened.
  • Obama cheats on his wife with a politician from another party. His wife finds out but keeps it a secret. She stays with Obama and used his power and resources to gain power herself. In an election she gives a strong view and battles to replace Obama as president, becoming the female president and getting Obama and his affair suspended for being unprofessional.

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